Sunday, December 04, 2011

Do you have one of those days when you are dissatisfied with everyone around you? today was one such day for me. man, whats up with everybody and, me? i cant change anybody except for myself. oh that same old saying. but its kinda true. noone is a voldy out there, cant even hate them damn it! i guess my famous venn diagram theory works only. i feel sorry for ma, dada, patadidi. and am sick of the other two ditto beings. i mean just look at them! they are just carbon copies of themselves. no wonder they dont get along. but I HAVE TO get along with both of them and that too with a smiling face. darn! everybody blames everyone else! i really pity us. the humans. we are so helpless at times. and lonely. no GOD or something comes to help us out. its us and only us. hats off to us! oops i used too many us's. oops again! :P
i always try to shut myself up inside my own world. but cant avoid the reality always, can i? thankfully math is so abstract.
i m feeling so negative now.