Positive thinking can help one very much. How? Let me explain. On the day of an examination(for e.g maths) the students are generally tensed very much. They think," oh! what would happen if i cannot answer a single question or i forget all tht i have learnt and practised! oh !!!!" well this is the way atleast my friends think beofre our maths exam. You can see how they think negative. they lose all confidence and count themselves as the worst of all. while giving the exam when they see a little tough question they get soo much frightened tht they go wrong even with the easy sums. they forget tht they have some brains too with the help of which they can ezily answer the question in the question paper. thus u see how they fail to achieve success.
The same happens in real life too. Most of us think tht we dont have any talent so we wont be able to do anything good or successful. We underestimate our abilities. We forget that Nature has given all of us the legs hands five senses and the power to think. even then only few of us are successful in our lives and are remembered for hundreds of years. Why? What's the mystery of their success? Noone is born wise, wisdom is made. then why only THEY have happiness, laughter in their lives?
one day i was reading a book of Shiv Khera and on the cover of book it was wriiten--
" Winners dont do different things, they do things differently."
This rang a bell in my head and i realized tht THIS IS THE ANSWER!!! Yes the successful see the lives in a different way. Thts why they are successful. Thts why they are different from the rest. THEY HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE. they think they can be succesful and so they are. Our fault is tht we never think tht its us who are building our future not some unseen hands. WE are the one who choose how we would live. if we think tht i will be sad and wont be ever successful then the thoughts will prove to be true. but if we say tht YES I CAN then there is noone in this whole universe to stop us from being the WINNERS. once when we do make a mistake we think tht "see i cant do it. this is not for me. i cant do anything in life coz i have failed once and i fear tht i wont be successful again. " Hah! We are soo stupid!! Learn from ur mistakes and just go ahead. have the courage to face challenges. Dont lose the game before it even starts. Just keep one thing in mind ----
after reading this post, i am all charged up to become a WINNER.
Right said .. One should have dedication , devotion and most importantly should not have inferiority complex about his/her calibre.
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