today is an imp day 4 me. coz frm the morn i hav been doin lots of household work tht i hav nver done b4. first i poured the dals (3-4 kinds) in their respectiv bottles. i dint waste a single grain. ma was quite satisfied. thn i sliced the amsottos which needed a lot of strenght and effort. my hands were painin after i had finished doin only a half of it. besides i had to keep an eye open 4 a cockroach which in the sink. it couldnt flee coz of the slpery srface of the sink. after i had complted doing ma's work, i noticed tht the disgustin insect had disappeard. i was simply panicked...i left the kitchen as fast as i could and went to patadidis. i realised tht she was makin sandwiches, chicken. i was jus thrilled! i grated two cheeses 4 her and oiled the breads. i was terribly hungry as i dint dine last night. i ate 3 huge ones. nobody ate as much as me. the taste was simply superb! patadidi and didi r the 2 best cooks of the world. keu dharekache ashe na!
thn i tried to rite the summary of meghnader mrityu. asombhov kotin. ma helpd me a bit. i calld babusona and askd him 2 stay at my house for 2morow is mahalaya. but he is so coward...i wllb stayin at his 2 night.