Sunday, January 31, 2010

It has been almost 4 years...oh no....i m sorry..
my exams are racing towards me, one after another....and now i felt like blogging...haha...
i thought that i should express myself in some way coz i hv friends who r complete nerds and i can hardly talk to them without "wasting their time". you cant believe how much they study...always have their nose in the books. sorry to say but i m not like them. i would rather indulge myself in solving tempting problems on number theory or graphs (am i showing off?). reading those same old things again and again makes me feel sleepy...especially if its physics. my brain yawns whenever i start reading my books (except in case of mathematical circles, and a few others which makes me feel dizzy!) i prefer exercising my brain but then again you have to first learn before applying...a frustrating paradox.
the day before yesterday i was reading a chapter called graphs from mathematical circles...oooooooooooo.....that was something...
i have decided that i would blog everyday, then i would get a friend with whom i can share things. i wont mind even if a single person doesnot read my blabbering...
"study hard"...right. :)
a few months left and then my fate will be decided...this is so scary.
anyway, i think i should stop now. i have an exam today(those mock ones)...

i was reading my previous posts...@#%#^%&^%***&())@@#!@$$!!!!