i did it!! atlast i have reached my first goal! ofcourse i am talking about studies and NOT BASKETBALL.
thursday was my maths exam. u know something i didnt practice hard this time before the xams. i got some confidence on arith and algebra ans so, worked for geometry. as usual all of my friend s were tensed including shatavisha. she was absent the two days before the exam for that. nivedita was absent on the previous day. i wasnt absent for a single day ofcourse. i wasnt tensed much either. i thought that those who are tensed before maths exam do well and got upset. the day of the examination arrived. all the riders were jumbled up in my mind and i re-read them in the class. i didnt know how to disentangle them.
But when i got hold of the ques paper i was utterly surprised!!! every sum was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy tht my heart jumped 8 ft! oh i just couldnt believe my eyes...i was dreaming it seemed. the riders were also the same ones which i had practiced twice the day before.i quickly started and finished it in time. and after i had submitted my copy i was sure tht every thing i had done was correct. and so it was! i am sooooooooooooooo happy tht i cant express it in my words. i did it ALL BY MYSELF! yes! yes! yyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!!!
looking forward to result and the ANNUAL EXAMS.........