Sunday, October 15, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The same happens in real life too. Most of us think tht we dont have any talent so we wont be able to do anything good or successful. We underestimate our abilities. We forget that Nature has given all of us the legs hands five senses and the power to think. even then only few of us are successful in our lives and are remembered for hundreds of years. Why? What's the mystery of their success? Noone is born wise, wisdom is made. then why only THEY have happiness, laughter in their lives?
one day i was reading a book of Shiv Khera and on the cover of book it was wriiten--
" Winners dont do different things, they do things differently."
This rang a bell in my head and i realized tht THIS IS THE ANSWER!!! Yes the successful see the lives in a different way. Thts why they are successful. Thts why they are different from the rest. THEY HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE. they think they can be succesful and so they are. Our fault is tht we never think tht its us who are building our future not some unseen hands. WE are the one who choose how we would live. if we think tht i will be sad and wont be ever successful then the thoughts will prove to be true. but if we say tht YES I CAN then there is noone in this whole universe to stop us from being the WINNERS. once when we do make a mistake we think tht "see i cant do it. this is not for me. i cant do anything in life coz i have failed once and i fear tht i wont be successful again. " Hah! We are soo stupid!! Learn from ur mistakes and just go ahead. have the courage to face challenges. Dont lose the game before it even starts. Just keep one thing in mind ----
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
This is my favourite poem....

Rudyard Kipling |
If If you can keep your head when all about you If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can make one heap of all your winnings If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
Monday, July 31, 2006
waking up....
the opposite can also happen. maybe this dream is the introduction to tht happy waking up ... the happier World.
i just can wait to wake up... but lets finish the dream first.......
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
She looks awful in the bed.
Her mouth is crooked now.
She pauses after every small speech.....
for some breath, some rest to say the next thing.....
She holds my hand and keeps on holding it. Sometimes she squeezed it.
She looks so tired, as if she is resting atlast after doing the day's work, life's work.
But her life's work has not ended yet. She has to be there for some more time to give us happiness, to make us smile...
Sheshould be there as the One whom all admire.....
I know she will get better........ but she wont become as she was before, they say.
Why is Nature so merciless for people like her? Why??
She look s so sickly, like other grandmas. But she is not at all like them. She was the Exception. She was everyone's inspiration and she still is ................ my Inspiration.
But i just cant hold on my tears......why is she getting such a bad punishment?
I love her sooo much.
Please get well soon......just for us......
We all love you respect you too much....
You dont suite in the bed. Get up soon and resume your vegetable marketing, bathroom cleaning, etc....
Lots of Love
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Nothing much...... just practising..
This saturday i am going to himachal pradesh. i dont sound too excited, right? i m not excited...even if i want to be a bit excited i cant becoz the diagrams of kidney, malphighian body and etc are forbidding me from being so. i am really feeling sorry for myself. almost 30 diagrams to draw within 2 weeks. they are soo tough, some of them take more than an hour to draw!!
There are also lots of preparation work to do for the first term exams....i dont know when i will manage to do all these. class 9 is a bit tough indeed!!
Along with the studies i have basketball practice, drawing, singing. oh! basketball practice thts another headache. i am not saying tht i hate basketball but i hate the timing of the practice. its from 5:45 pm to 7:30pm. i cant afford to waste my time like this for long. this sunday was my youth team selection. i DONT want to play the youth tournament coz i have exams during tht time. but they dont understand. to the club authority primary thing is khela, secondary is porashuna. but to me its just OPPOSITE. kya kare....
i am too tensed about how i am going to finish the homeworks. there amount is tooo much...!!
ok i am hungry now... byebye
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Holi --- not a day for me
after lunch i played chess with my bro. i won...again!! then i watched tv and went to sleep. when i woke up it was almost 5pm. i had tea with others.
i was quite disappointed as shatavisha didnt call me back still. i called babusona who had made the same promise. he said tht he was going to the cinema along with his parents the film which saw with us yesterday. oh what a ........ leave it.i watched kuch kuch hota hai in the tv. my granny was very dissatisfied as i was watching it for a long time. then i again played chess with my bro and lost all the matches. it was very sad for me. he criticized my way of playing...
its almost quarter past eleven now. i still have to eat my dinner...
this was indeed a bad start to my month long vacation.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
we have lots of drawings in life science. the toughest one is tht of the human heart.
i really wished in the morning je aajker dinta jeno 24 hrs na hoye 48 hrs hoy......
Friday, January 27, 2006
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I did it!!
But when i got hold of the ques paper i was utterly surprised!!! every sum was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy tht my heart jumped 8 ft! oh i just couldnt believe my eyes...i was dreaming it seemed. the riders were also the same ones which i had practiced twice the day before.i quickly started and finished it in time. and after i had submitted my copy i was sure tht every thing i had done was correct. and so it was! i am sooooooooooooooo happy tht i cant express it in my words. i did it ALL BY MYSELF! yes! yes! yyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!!!
looking forward to result and the ANNUAL EXAMS.........