Harry potter. thats the only thing tht had occupied my mind all these days. i planned to buy it with my money which i had saved from the pujas, birthdays etc etc. i pleaded my parents to buy it. but they said, "dam komuk tarpore kine debo." well yes indeed it costs almost 900 rupees. somehow, brimbi managed to get it from one of his friends, absolutely free!! on the day of my maths test as i returned from school disappointed for my poor performance, he annouced tht he had got the Half-blood prince. atfirst i couldnt believe my ears nor brimbi. but he showed it to me and i jumped almost a hundred feet with joy. i forgave myself instantly a for my bad maths test and wanted to finish the precious book at tht vry moment. i completed reading it in 6 hrs (vry slow) at first i thought tht it was the most mysterious and darkest book of alland considered it to be the best. gradually, i found out tht j.k rowling is the most wretched and worst writer of the whole world. everyone was betraying the goodside and joining the dark side. the worst thing is tht she killed dumbledore who was murderd by snape. dumbledore who trusted Snape so much, so vry much and lost his temper whenever anybody saidanything against severus, became his victim. how mean of him. even draco turned out to be a death-eater, 'fulfilling his master's job'. u know, i cried for 2mins while reading the last portion. i think anyone who supports harry potter and is a fan would weep there heart out to read the last few chapters. i will never read tht book again. its the worst book of all.
Yesterday was July 16th 2005. I can feel a wave of xcitement and expectations Splashing all over my mind. It really has bcome a historical date. I am sure u all know why it is such an important thing. Well, if u r not sure about what I am talking about then u must be one of those Muggles who are devoid of all the magical happenings in the world and don’t like to enter the world of the Most famous witches and wizards. If u r one of the pottermaniacs then u r most welcome here. U must be aware of the fact tht there is still a thousand of people on this earth who doesn’t support Magic at all. These down-2-earth non-imaginative muggles r jealous when they see children and adult harry fans reading the books and flying into the glorious adventurous world of J. k rowling’s magnificent creations. Creations?? I don’t think tht anyone( potter fans) will disagree with me if I say tht Harry, Ron Hermione Do exist among us; if I say there IS hogwarts in london. We people cant go there bcoz of the ridiculous fact tht we r muggles. I hate myself whenever this fact flashes on my mind. So lets come back to the main topic which is HARRY POTTER. 2day in the morning, u know which was the thing I wanted to do more even b4 brushing my teeth. I just wanted 2 read the harry potter articles which have been splashed on the frontpages of all the newspaper tht r delivered to our house early in the morning. As I am a late-riser on holidays, I get the opportunity 2 read the paper after quite a long time. There were lots of news about the release. J.k rowling did make us wait 4 a very long time. 2 yrs since the ootp. Last time I bought the book the vry nxt day of its release. This time my parents didn’t give me permission 2 buy it. My parents r bhave like uncle vernon and petunia whenevr I mention this topic in front of them. They don’t support these ‘rubbish cock and bull stories with no meaning at all.’ Their Obvious Dialoge is “ Hiya, keep in mind tht u r 13yrs old. R u not aged enough not 2 blieve all this. Don’t u confine ur reading within the narrow boundaries of Harry potter. There r so many other famous books written by Saratchandra, rabindranath, bankimchandra etc etc 2 read. I wont buy u a hp book with Rs895. It’s an absolute wastage of money…………” See guys these grown-ups think tht using ur imagination is the biggest crime. U’ll always have to keep ur feet on the ground and cant ride on a firebolt ( a comet two sixty is also ok) with the trio and have ur lessons by Mc Gonagall or even with Snape, leave alone Professor lupin. Who do u think will b the Defence against the dark arts teacher this year. I Vote Lupin. According 2 me, harry and all of u I hope, lupin is the best teacher of all.
hi i went to duars a few days ago. i enjoyed the trip vry much. here is a part of my journal. hope u like it ...
28th May, 2005
Departed from sealdah station at 1:40 pm. Name of train – tista torsa.
29th May, 2005
8:40 am – we reached Koch bihar station. 8:45am we started our journey by two tata sumos. We arrived at kumkum aunty’s sister’s house. We cooled down ourselves here. Great house. It was like an ac. Then we resumed our journey to jayanti. We reached a bungalow called abokash in the duars jungle. It had a great garden with bright blooming flowers. We went to an almost dry river to bathe. It had many noories and pathars which pricked our foot as we walked on them. It had very little water and so we sat in it. After half an hour or so we returned to abokash. It had very dirty bathrooms. In the first floor it had a huge beehive. It had a wooden staircase. Others who shared the rooms with us were a variety of insects. We used to scream our heart out whenever a big buzzing one approached us. Abokash had no electricity. The lanterns were our only source of light. We ate our lunch at almost 5pm. Buroda and I went for stroll. A leech attacked me. I was their first prey. I found it before it did anything. Then buroda told us ghost stories upto 8pm. At night I slept with bunkudi, ashimamami, purnimapishi. I had a sound sleep.
30th May, 2005
In the morning, we woke up at 6pm. Having a superb breakfast (ruti and alur torkari) we started towards a lake. We travelled through dense forests. The scenic beauty simply startled us. Then at a place we had to stop from where we began our trekking. Dwijeshmama was attacked by a leech. I was shocked to see the way it sucked blood. After climbing a steep way through the jungle we reached a lake. We saw two tortoises drinking water. We took photos of them. Then I tilakmama, tushi, bandi (bandhuli), Tia, putu, hirumama, went upwards. I took a photo from the top. Then I, tilakmama, abhijitmama, tushi, and bandi came downwards by ‘chorabatoras’ while others went by cars. After walking almost for 2km we reached the main road. But we couldn’t find the cars nor the way towards to our bungalow. We waited for some minutes and then continued our journey by the way I guessed. After walkinf another half an hour we saw the cars coming behind us. We had almost made it to the bungalow when the sumos found us!! I expected many scolding since we had made them anxious for us. But they did not.
hi my name is Hiya! i havejust created my blog! i am a big potter fan. so, i will keep on posting superb pics of harry and co. i will publish other things such as the photos of my duars trip. ok bye for now